How do you get inspired to write?

I hear voices in my head. They’re characters coming to life. When they get loud enough and real enough, I have to write them a story to live in. I know, sounds nutty, but there it is.

What’s your advice for aspiring writers?

Don’t quit. Just that, don’t quit. You haven’t failed until you give up.

What’s the best thing about being a writer?

You can justify playing with your imaginary friends as work!

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I go running or to the gym- usually exercise coupled with great music will shake things loose for me and let the ideas flow. If that doesn’t work I do a brainstorming session with my fabulous critique partners.

When will we get the next one in the series?

The second book, The Gryphon in The Tree, should be available later in 2021 depending on my publisher’s schedule. It will be followed by the conclusion to the trilogy, The Fae in the Flames, soon after.