Musical Mondays: Queen- "Who Wants To Live Forever?"

There are times in one’s life when the news is all good.  It is graduations, engagements, weddings and babies.  There are also times when the news goes the other way: terminal illnesses, deaths and good-byes not said.  That is where I am right now.  A friend I’ve known since the fifth grade is saying his long good-bye, we just lost a fellow mom and then the other shoe dropped today.  I had a co-worker who I had a one of those close relationships where you went months or years without speaking, but we always picked up where we left off, just so easy.  In the summer of 2009 I received a letter from him, telling me all was well, his book was being published and asking me to email.  He sent me the press release to his new novel.  I promptly managed to tuck the note into my in-box and it fell behind a filing cabinet.  Today I found it as I did a major office purge. I immediately emailed him, ecstatic to have his contact info.  Then it occurred to me, eek, what if he’s published other books?  I’ll look like a schmuck if I haven’t been keeping up on his works.  So… I Google’d him. Mark E. Zamen.  He died in January 2010, I was more than two years too late.  Shame on me.  I should have emailed the second that note arrived.
In addition, I have been consumed with finishing my book, The Dragon in the Garden.  It deals, among other things, with mortals and immortals, the love between the two.  Given the current state of the news in my life and the logistics facing my pair of lovebirds, it seems only fitting that this Monday’s song should be the incredibly beautiful, yet equally tragic, Who Wants To Live Forever by Queen.

This song was featured in one of my all-time favorite movies The Highlander.  It is, quite frankly, one of the best movies ever.  The soundtrack, all by Queen is ridiculously good.  Eric and I danced our second dance at our wedding to Queen’s One Year of Love from the same movie.  If you need an amazing video pick, take this one.  Ever copied, never surpassed, I can watch it again and again.


Conner Macleod
Conner Macleod

Don’t lose your head.  Oh, and bring on any happy news, okay?