Erika Gardner

Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost.

Musical Monday: Life Is Beautiful

Home again, home again… as fun as vacations are, it is always wonderful to come home again. This week’s Musical Monday features Sixx A.M.’s 2007 single, Life is Beautiful from the album The Heroin Diaries.  Sixx A.M. features Motley Crue’s infamous bassist, Nikki Sixx, James...

Musical Mondays- Moving Through Some "Changes", or LIFE

Okay, so this is the first time I have repeated groups.  I have featured Yes before on a Musical Monday blog (see my blog on Yes’ “We Can Fly”-, but work with me, people, it was necessary. It was necessary because this last weekend,...

The Importance of Kindness

I would like to stress that I did not write this.  A friend posted it to Facebook and I happened to read it.  It made such an impression on me that I wanted to help spread its message: be kind to one another.  We’re all...